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B.O.S.S- Bringing Out Stellar Strategies

Updated: May 2, 2020

30+ years and it was all over…


The company permanently closed its doors for something that was completely avoidable. Don’t let this scenario happen to you.

The Good


I came to work for this company to revamp the entire program. Employee turnover was high, and our profit margins were low. Over time, I was able to reverse this trend. However, there was one thing, rather person, standing in the way: my boss.

She micromanaged everyone, and her treatment of me, as well as my employees, caused all of us to leave at once. I didn’t see how bad it was until my mother became ill. Because I knew my boss outside of work, she was more aware of the situation than most.

At the time, my mother was bedridden with limited mobility. I accompanied her to all of her doctor’s appointments, picked up her medication, and made sure she was comfortable while I was at work. Then it happened. We had lost a few staff and needed someone to open. Because I was management, it was decided I would open.

The Bad


Now I was working 50+ hours a week- all while taking care of my mother. I voiced my concerns to my boss, who seemed to be more concerned about coverage than me being a caregiver. She was capable to open the building as well, but chose not to (to note she had no prior commitments that would have made it difficult for her to open).

My mother was admitted to the hospital during one of her doctor visits. I called work to inform them I would not be returning. Each day I spoke with my boss about coming back to work. She showed concern, but I could tell she was more interested in when I would come back. When I did return, I was informed by my staff about how things were handled while I was away and it did not go well.

I worked those hours for a solid year before someone else was hired that could fill the gap. By that time the damage had been done. My team and I grew closer with our shared experiences, but we began increasing our distance against the leadership above us.

The Ugly


Increasingly more decisions were made by upper management without really listening to the needs of the employees affected. After 2 years, we all decided to quit, and things were never the same. The company closed permanently 3 years later, although we had record profits and customers during our tenure.

How did this happen? Management was driven by profits, not people. Even the best and most committed employees left after being pushed to the brink time and time again.

Don’t want this scenario to happen to you? Find out more by clicking here.


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