About Renee

Renee is born and raised in Columbia, SC. At the age of 8, she aspired to be an early childhood teacher. By age 21, she became a third generation teacher. Her experiences working with children showed her a different facet that is often forgotten: the staff working with the children. With low retention rates of teachers, she sought to find a way to change the dynamic.
Renee went back to school for her Master's degree. She also left the world of early childhood for corporate America. Whilst earning her degree, the economy was in the throes of the Great Recession. People who were highly-skilled were unable to find work. She shifted her focus from employee retention to leadership. If you have the right leaders in place, an organization runs much more smoothly.
Working in a Fortune 500 company for nearly 5 years, she learned many of the pain points companies face, and the struggle in finding solutions that are cost-effective. What makes Renee different from other consultants is her ability to look at all perspectives before determining a solution. There are lots of consultants pushing products and services without genuinely understanding the client needs. Renee has a client-centered focus that contributes to the long-term success of her clients.
Some of Renee's accomplishments include:
Designing a leadership development and individualized coaching curriculum for front-line leaders
Developing customized instructional manuals, job aids, and quick reference guides
Creating SOP prototypes for all learning modalities
If you are looking for someone who is authentic and sincere about finding organizational and training solutions for your company, then RMJ Consulting is right for you.