OPPORTUNITY To Participate In An Elite Program...
Would You Like Me to Hand You a $2.6 Million Dollar Profit Formula For Your Organization?
From the Desk of Renee James
Founder at RMJ Consulting
Dear Friend, If you’re a SERIOUS HR Leader or Small Business Owner…
Specifically, someone who’s actively working to grow your employee engagement program...
Then this may be the most important letter you’ll ever read.
I say that because, in this short read, I’m going to teach you one of the most profitable skills in the world to help you consistently hire, train, and retain more employees that will ultimately keep more dollars in your organization’s wallet.
...and I’m going to show you how to apply it to your own organization (whatever it may be).
It’s Worse Than You Realize, But…
March 2020 marked the end of what was familiar and plunged us in to the icy abyss of the unknown.
Remember frantically walking through the grocery aisles trying to find toilet paper and other essential items?
The reality is… things haven’t gotten better.
Employers scrambled to put together a plan for something no one could have ever been prepared for, and to this day things are still rapidly changing.
The Great Resignation, coupled with other pandemic problems, have exacerbated an already thinly stretched labor market.
There’s Light at the End of the Tunnel!
Mary, a wife and mother of 2, was struggling with how to grapple her child’s daycare center and school closing.
As the VP of HR, her inbox and phone were busier than ever. She wondered how can we keep employees safe? How can we continue to serve our customers?
After 7 people left the organization within the first few months, she frantically searched for a solution.
It was one simple formula that changed the face of her organization forever.
Since then, while other organizations have been struggling to find new employees, her organization has been flourishing.
Then there’s Ben, a small business owner who nearly went out of business when all non-essential businesses were forced to close.
How could his company survive if customers weren’t permitted to come into the building? How could he make sure his employees could continue to get paid?
That same simple formula helped Ben’s organization pivot and now he’s been able to not only keep his doors open but hire additional staff to keep up demand.
How One Simple Formula Transformed Into a World-Class Workforce
In 2010, a full decade before the pandemic started, a 22-year-old woman fresh out of college was thrust into her first senior leadership position.
The current staff balked at the idea of some young college graduate telling them what to do, and nearly all of them left in the first 6 months.
She started working longer hours due to the staff shortages, and there were complaints from customers. Perhaps the former staff was right about her all along…
Upon hiring new people, the complaints went down, profit margins increased, and not one single person left for 3 years!
It Was Simple…Too Simple!
She moved to a new role with a different employer and noticed the following:
Training was done without any manuals, notes, or instructions
If a key person was out, people scrambled to figure out what to do
Morale was low due to favoritism of certain teams
Using this same formula, but adapting to a new work environment, she was able to…
Decrease error rates by 30%
Create 10+ training manuals used in international training seminars
Develop team cohesion from the inside out
If you’re wondering who this woman is, it’s none other than yours truly.
So What Is This Simple Formula?
The truth is…
Pre- or post-pandemic, employees have complained about working conditions, but no one has wanted to listen or take action.
Now employees are fed up and are walking out of toxic workplaces, and the ripple effect can still be felt today.
It’s NOT About Money
Higher wages have been used as a band-aid to fix deeply rooted organizational problems, and it’s failing miserably.
The pandemic didn’t break the workforce- it exposed the disease-infested underbelly of a workplace that values profits over people.
How It Works
What I’m about to tell you is one of the best kept secrets that continues to miss employers everywhere struggling with employee engagement and it’s in one simple formula:
What Does That Mean?
It means not buying into the latest trend because it was featured in a magazine or conference.
It means being honest about what your organization is willing to do to make change.
It means looking in the mirror and deciding TODAY is the day things will improve.
How Do I Know It Will Work For Me?
If you’re currently at a standstill in your organization and don’t know what to do next…
If you feel like you spend too many hours of your day trying to figure out how to keep employees from walking out the door…
If you feel like you’re one small tweak away from major success…
… I’ve got something for you.
I’m not promising you the same results, but I would say that you’re better off with us than without us.
Imagine What Could Happen To Your Organization If You Got The Same Training & Support Mary and Ben Did?
What if you stayed focused, had guidance, support, and less stress?
What if you could experience life the way you always dreamed because you can FINALLY leave work at work?
Reaching that can be long, hard, and expensive.
But it’s a heck of a lot easier, quicker, and more cost-effective when you have help from those who are experienced in these growing pains.
There isn’t a single successful person in the world that didn’t have a coach, mentor, or training...
Michael Jordan, Simon Cowell, Betty White, Elon Musk.
You don’t have to worry about Googling 15 things to maybe find an answer.
You don’t have to ask your family for advice (because they’ve never planned an employee engagement program).
You don’t have to waste a bunch of time and money implementing dozens of ideas that don't work.
All you have to do is follow our process, collaborate with our team, and not give up when more work needs to be done.
Does This Sound Like Something You Need?
If so, then I invite you to apply to the Tri-360 Experience Program.
If you’re ready to stop wasting time and money on things that don’t work, then let us help you.
The Tri-360 Experience Program is currently a 12-month commitment because for us to really help you, we might need you to unlearn some things, before we teach you new things.
And since we will be closing registration soon, we will not be able to accept new clients for much longer.
Before You Apply, Let Me Be Totally Honest...
This is expensive.
But it’s only expensive because if you put in the work, it works.
And because it’s a tight-knit community where we get hands-on and help you, individually, with your own unique organizational goals.
If you’re still reading this, then I assume you’re still interested in learning more about The Tri-360 Experience Program.
We’ve decided to open more spots for the remainder of this year!
So, whether you are an HR Leader or Small Business Owner looking to grow, expand, or change your employee engagement program...
After you submit, one of our enrollment advisors will give you a call to explain the program in detail.
There’s no pressure and no obligation. We just want to fill you in on how it works, what you get, and answer all your questions.
If that sounds fair, then click here and apply now.
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter. I hope it was helpful!
Renee James
P.S. If you read this far, at least apply to let me know you liked my writing.
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