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How NOT to Build an Employee Engagement Program

Updated: May 2, 2020

The quicksand seeped in deeper and further…

Your employee engagement program is sinking…and you can’t even see it. Read this real-life story so you know what NOT to do.


1. View your employees as cogs in the machine.

Achieving high production is the #1 goal. Valuing customer needs first is the heart of the company. Employees devote all of their energy to keeping them happy.

Employees feel drained as the amount of work piles on each day. Turnover is high because employees don’t feel appreciated for the work they do. Why should you care about your employees if your customers give you stellar reviews?


2. Reward leaders to push higher volumes of work, ignoring employee goals without genuine constructive feedback.

The true gap in employee engagement exists within leadership. Leaders are given feedback in the annual performance review, but employees don’t have the opportunity to give feedback to their leaders. As employees quit left and right because of bad leadership, the leader faces no consequences.

The dynamic in team meetings focuses on exceeding production goals rather than building team cohesion. Company-wide contests create an atmosphere of competition rather than cohesion.

One-on-one meetings and performance reviews minimize career advancement in favor of increasing production goals. Leaders are only responsible for meeting production goals. Why should leaders support their employees if the ultimate goal is to keep the customer happy?


3. Force employees to “figure out” how to get promoted within the company.

Employees that want to move within the company have to find time on their own schedule to complete their career goals. Employees spend their work day meeting production rather than being allowed time to gain experience in a new role.

There are opportunities for mentoring and career advancement. However, there is a deep disconnect between the current and future role. Leaders are only required to document career goals, but genuine action rarely happens.

Promotions are based on preference rather than ability. Having experience has more value than providing novel solutions. Why help employees move within the company when the focus should be enhancing the customer experience to increase profits?

This story is 100% true…because it happened to me. Do you want this story to be true or false for your company? Click here to find out more.



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